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The history of American Business Communication, Inc.

In 1990, Nita Singh founded American Business Communication, Inc. (ABC), an independent consulting firm, responding to the growing technological changes and misrepresentation in the telecom industry. Singh, a twenty-year telecom veteran, has led ABC in becoming a trusted advisor, helping businesses sort through the confusion and select products and services that most efficiently and effectively meet their needs.

ABC provides a wide range of telecommunications management services to clients nationwide. Unique in the marketplace, ABC offers telemanagement, bill auditing, carrier assessment and selection, and procurement. These four services encompass every phase of a company’s telecommunications lifecycle: initial purchase recommendations, implementation, ongoing management, and auditing of services. The company has saved clients more than $100 million in telecom expenses through recovering retroactive credits and erroneous charges, and optimizing telecommunications products and services.


AMERICAN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION INC.   763.416.1100 PHONE   |  763.416.1101 FAX  |